kontur nr. 11




Kirsten Gomard
Janne er død

Peter Yding Brunbech
Da verden skulle på højskole
Danmarks første egentlige indsats inden for ulandsbistand var et kursus i andelsbevægelsens principper og praksis på Krogerup Højskole i 1953.

Annette Skovsted Hansen
Encountering Culture in Development: The Experience of Course Participants in Japan, 1962-2002
This article explores the presentation of the Japanese host culture to course participants from developing countries. By introducing visiting fellows to a culture defined as Japanese, the host country design a cultural encounter, where Japanese culture appears to be both a potential for clashes in daily life and to provide icons of the survival of an invented indigenous national culture in the face of development.

Jan Pedersen
Bistandsdilemmaet som hverdagserfaring: De udsendtes tilpasning til det postkoloniale limbo
Bistandsarbejderes møde med det fremmede sociale og kulturelle miljø karakteriseres i artiklen i tre dimensioner: hjemmet, det offentlige rum og arbejdspladsen. Integrationen i denne samlede postkoloniale subkultur sætter de udsendte i stand til at håndtere problemerne med bistandsindsatsens ineffektivitet. Kulturmødet er hverken et problemskabende sammenstød eller en fremadrettet dynamisk kraft, men derimod en stabiliserende mekanisme i en proces som i årtier – og endnu i dag – er blevet kritiseret for ikke at leve op til sit formål.

Stine Lykke Nielsen
Chinese Environmental NGOs between Domestic and International Discourses
Development and environment conservation projects can be described as cultural encounters between NGOs and re-cipients representing different worldviews, strategies, and interests

Line Mark Rugholt
Outsourcing from Denmark to India

Miscommunication caused by differences between Danish and Indian business cultures can lead to impaired efficiency of the business processes. These difficulties may be overcome through the creation of a hybrid “third culture,” incorporating successful business strategies from both cultures into a unified whole.

Uden for tema

Ann-Christina Lauring Knudsen
Romanticising Europe? Rural Images in European Union Policies
In periods of rapid modernisation and rural exodus, the notion of the countryside became part of the discourse on modernisation and nation-state building. This article identifies and reflects upon rural images used in farm legislation in the EU.